Hiking around Lake Geneva
A few anecdotes about Lake Geneva...
Lake Geneva, or Lac Léman/Lac de Genève in French, is about 73 km long and 14–15 km wide. It is the largest lake in Western Europe! In his “Confessions,” Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a native of Geneva, wrote: "Go to Vevey, visit the country, and take a walk on the lake." He added, “Say whether nature didn’t make this beautiful country for a Julie, Claire, and Saint-Preux, but don’t look for them there.”
If the weather is fine and you're lucky, you'll see the Alps, including Mont Blanc, Europe's highest peak (4,806 m). Although it's around 80 km from the lake, Mont Blanc looks particularly close on a sunny day.
In this guide...
In addition to the synoptic map, this new edition of the Lac Léman/Lake Geneva guide features a double-page spread with top hikes. The authors provide practical advice for the road, explaining the SAC hiking scale, symbols, and difficulty levels. It has the starting points, specifying the bus number, the stop to take, and where to get off. They also provide information for the arrival points. The guide recommends the ideal time to take the routes. You'll find suggestions for eating, sleeping, further reading (maps and books), and variations to explore.
For each hike, you'll find a map, duration, great photos and a description. The hikes are classified by region: Geneva, Chablais, Rhône Valley, Riviera and Lavaux, La Côte, Jura vaudois and gessois, as well as the Lake Geneva Trek.
This guide is entirely in french ! Here is an extract :
"Tourner maintenant à droite et suivre le sentier de la Corraterie, balisé en rouge-blanc, qui passe sous les rochers par des vires (câbles métalliques) en partie exposées, avec d'étonnantes vues plongeantes sur la Campagne genevoise."
In this guide you'll find
- precise, reliable route descriptions
- 1:25,000 and 1:100,000 scale maps
- informative altitude profiles
- downloadable GPS tracks
- 224 pages
- 2024 edition
- weight : 0.230 kgs