Tourist map of Tyrol and Vorarlberg
Tyrol and Vorarlberg, two iconic Austrian regions, offer breathtaking Alpine landscapes and a rich culture to discover by bike. With their winding roads passing through lush green valleys and majestic peaks as a backdrop, these regions are a true paradise for cyclists looking for adventure.
Tyrol, known for its typical villages clinging to the mountains, its medieval castles and its crystal clear lakes, offers a variety of routes suitable for all levels of cyclists. From trails along the Inn River to legendary Alpine passes like the Brenner Pass.
As for Vorarlberg, located in the west of Austria, is renowned for its steep mountains, green valleys and artisan traditions. Cyclists can cycle through THE southeastern part of Lake Constance, passing traditional villages and admiring the snow-capped peaks of the Austrian Alps.
Whether you are a passionate cyclist looking for a challenge or a lover of leisurely rides, Tyrol and Vorarlberg offer a wealth of opportunities to discover the natural beauty and cultural richness of these Alpine regions by bike.
Card details:
- Detailed road network with numbers, distances
- Cycling routes
- Railways, stations, airports and ferry lines
- Tourist information, national parks and campsites and youth hostels, marinas
- Focus on city centers of Innsbruck and Bregenz
Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or an amateur looking for adventure, Istria promises you a unique cycling experience, infused with the beauty and cultural richness of this sunny region of the Mediterranean.
- Edition: 2024
- Legends: French, English, Italian, German
- Folded: 250 x 125 cm
- Flat: 25.5 X 13.00 X 1.00 cm
- Number of pages: Double-sided
- Weight: 0.133 kg
- Publisher: FreytagBerndt